Monday, November 5, 2012

Blah blah blah

So I just felt like writing a post about my everyday stuff. I feel like I only talk about dramatic depressing stuff about recovery. Blah. That stuff gets too depressing. 

So here we go. Life right now is pretty good. Besides the down parts of recovery. So Mon-Friday is really nice. :) I blog of course ;), work on the 12 steps, art, read my recovery focused books, pray and meditate and try my best to follow my meal plan. So my todo list today is as follows:

*do some cleaning
*Read/study my Acceptence Commitment Therapy book
*Read step 3 and complete it in the 12 step workbook
*Pray and meditate
*Get some exercise in 
*Apply for jobs
*Read "Life without ED" by Jenni Schaefer
*Call cosmetology schools and set up school tours
*Send letters to my friends still in treatment 
*Add Survivor stories to my blog 

So I have a lot to do but, It's things I'm actually excited to complete well except for the cleaning and applying for jobs lol 

So I recently found a ton of girls on instagram that are recovering and I'm really excited about it. One girl post all her meals/recipes.So it's really motivational to be following these girls. :) I'm excited. 
The past few days I've had issues with restricting so today I'm starting fresh and committed to following my meal plan. :) It's going to be tough but, I'm going to do it. Screw ED!  I got this. 

Oh some more exciting news, I found a boxing gym. I can get personal lessons 3 days a week for only $119 a month. I think that's a great deal and boxing is something I really want to get into. I fell in love with it at my treatment center. There was a punching bag in the fitness center and I learned 3 punches and 3 kicks, then a few combinations. I absolutely loved it. So I can't wait to get a job so I can get started. I'm getting a punching bag for my bday Dec 4th. YAY!!! Can't wait, I will probably be beating the crap out of it every single day! :D It's also a really great way to relieve stress and anger without over exercising. 

My friend is a photographer and I love helping out with shoots. There is one coming up and I have to honor of doing the models hair. :D I absolutely love doing hair and makeup. I will post pics from the shoot with her permission to show you guys my work. :) 

I'd like to offer my support to anyone reading my blog that is in recovery or just struggling. Here's my email.! I hope you will email me for anything even if you just need someone to talk to. :) I will keep it confidential of course. :)
Well I think that's all I have to blabber about now. I will be posting about step 3 soon. So take care and stay tuned.
Sending love to all my readers :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I found you through Kristen's blog. That hair was gorgeous, by the way! I'm happy you found Instagram followers for motivation. I've also always wanted to do a boxing class, but haven't really gotten into it yet. I think I'm too afraid to go on my own haha.

    I don't suffer from an eating disorder, but I have bad anxiety/depression that sometimes consumes me. It's tough to fight things like this, but we'll get through it! I look forward to reading more of your blog.

