I went back to rehab for two weeks, and then did a day program for two weeks. I'm now doing intensive outpatient. Its mon-thur, from 10am-1pm. I can't even begin to explain how much has happened in the last 50 days. I have 50 days clean and sober! :D
My sponsor is amazing and we are on step 4 now. Step 3 was giving my will to God. I can't believe I actually did it. It feels so amazing to finally surrender and know that I'm not alone anymore. I don't have to handle everything on my own anymore. I can't even explain the amount of peace I have. :) I've changed so much. Things are going so good. I actually don't want to use anymore. It's such an amazing feeling. God has worked so many miracles in my life. :) I really don't know how to put it into words. I'm just so grateful to God for saving me. :) I'm so grateful to the AA program. It's so wonderful. I go to meetings everyday and talk to my sponsor, I read the big book and work step work. I pray everyday. God is with me all the time now. It's such a refreshing feeling. I'm just so so grateful.
I've started back at work and it's going good. I'm so grateful to my boss for holding my position for so long for me. I can't remember the last time I was truly happy and actually wanted to live. I actually want to live now! It's awesome! I can't wait to finish my step work and get to help other women. :) I also want to volunteer at this women's prison where women get sober while they are incarcerated. I feel like I have a purpose in life and there is actually hope in my life again. :D Well thanks for reading and thank you for all your support. I'll keep you guys updated. :D
I'll leave you with one of my favorite prayers...
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."
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