Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Step 3 Workbook.

Look back at your list in question 3 of step one. There you listed some things you can control and some things you can't. Using the serenity Prayer as your guide, check your list. Would you move anything from one column to the other? Can you think of anything you might add?

So you guys can look back at my post of step one. I wouldn't change anything.

Try to add three more things that ou can't control and three more things you can. Remember: You can't control your own actions and attitudes.
I cannot control stupid people being stupid.
I can't control policies at my job haha
I can't control the choices of others.  

I can control the way I act on emotions.
I can control my actions when it comes to temptation.

Seriously, I really can't think of much I can control. That sucks, because it feels like crap to be out of control.

So the workbook says we often have to surrender one day or even one hour at a time.
For me I need to work on surrendering to recovery. The way I surrender is to eat a meal. Defuse ed thoughts, and stay away from triggers. I know if I can't face tomorrow I can just surrender one hour at a time, one meal at a time, etc. So yeah that's the plan. Going to meetings, talking to my therapist, blogging, following my meal plans, these are all things that help me surrender to recovery.

Next it says that most of us need never learned how to make wise decisions, yep that's me. Haha. So it says to pick an area of your life that you would like to turn over to the care of your higher power. Holy crap! There are a ton of areas I need to turn over to God. So I pick the way I use my money.

I continue to blow money on the dumbest things. Whether it be food, clothes, makeup, or anything else useless. I get really happy when I have money and I feel free. Then I'm out of money and I get depressed, anxious, and frustrated. I'm trying to work on this, it's really hard because I've lived this way ever since I've had a job so that's a long time having a bad habbit, so yeah it's going to be really hard to break. oy! I guess I should just pray about it. Yeah, duh I need to pray about it.

What does your friends, family, and sponsor say about this behavior?
My friends and family constantly say I need to be more responsible with my money and not make such irresponsible decisions.

How do you feel about this behavior?
It's embarrassing. I can't go anywhere in life when I constantly blow money. I wish I didn't have this issue. I wish I could have more willpower when It comes to spending.

Ugh I freaking hate step 3.

Next question what do you conclude, observe about this behavior?
I conclude that I'm so terrified of being poor that I pretend to be rich. Haha. Gosh , I have no freaking idea. I'm addicted to shopping? This is stupid I really don't know.

Look over your previous answers. What action will you take in light of this situation?
I will try to be more responsible with my money.
I will make a budget and have someone hold me accountable.
I will pay all my bills first and then put money aside to save so that I can move out.

Well that's step 3. I hated doing step 3, what do you guys think? Do you see something I'm missing?
As always thanks for reading. :)

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