Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rant & Rave #1

I called this #1 because I'm sure there will be many more.

     So today was shit!!! I woke up and worked on some stuff, time slipped away and I missed my breakfast time and so I had a late breakfast that I didn't want. After coffee and cigarettes, I'm not so hungry anymore. So anyways I made myself eat breakfast and the day went on slow and boring. I did some more art work which was fun. Oh I'll have to post pics for you guys. :D So then lunch came around, wasn't hungry again so I made myself eat and it was pretty easy to get down bc my mom was there to keep some conversation going. Then I thought I was tired, tried to take a nap and I couldn't fall asleep. Was dreadfully bored the whole day. So then things got better, because I sang of course. Did I mention that I love to sing? Well, I do. Singing takes me out of this nightmare of a world and makes me incredibly happy. So I jammed out by myself and was having a good afternoon. But then time got a way again and I forgot to make my dinner. I usually don't eat what my mom cooks because its scary. LOL Her cooking is amazing but for all my ED kids out their you will understand when I say its southern, lots of butter, and lots of grease and starches. So I stay away from that stuff. Anyways it was already 6:30 and I needed the grill to cook my food but it was being used to cook pork chops, I had offered to make dinner and that took until around 8pm so anyways by the time my fish was done it was 8:22pm way too late to eat buy I hadn't eaten since my afternoon snack and I didn't want to skip a meal. Well ed wanted me to skip tonight's dinner. My stomach was bloated and hurting so the last thing I wanted to do was eat right? So I texted my sponsor and a good friend who is on my support team for some extra support. Eventually I made myself eat and I didn't die, go figure, right? So I'm feeling fat etc....and then my sponsor finally replies after I've ate and says, "dont eat. be gentle with yourself". Very aggravated with her, I don't know why she would instruct me not to eat.??? So after eating and then getting that text of course Ed had a lot of fun with that. His words were, 
"why did you eat"
"see you didn't have to eat, you just wanted to stuff your face you fat pig"
"you're so stupid, why didn't you listen to me when I told you it was okay to skip one meal, even your sponsor agrees with me."
"Ugh your so fat, you're never going to lose weight, If only you would just listen to me"

     So of course I'm a nervous wreck and on the verge of breaking something. I've felt so crappy today and so angry. Some other things happened today that made me feel like shit, and I'm assuming that's why it was so hard to eat. I don't take critisism well and so when I get criticized even in a good way, I beat myself up. My perfectionist mind...we will call her Percy, beats me relentlessly  until I agree that I am a load of crap, good for nothing loser. UGH!!! I'm so sick of all of this. Sick of recovery, sick of fighting, sick of not being able to control my own thoughts. I HATE THIS DISEASE AND I HATE ED AND PERCY!!! They royally SUCK! 

     So I think it's time to find a new sponsor but there are only two EDA meetings and they are both an hour away. Grrr!!! :( I'm so angry, I could beat someone silly. Of course I'm not going to beat anyone, don't worry kids I'm not violent. ;) But anyways I thought getting this on paper or "screen" would help let out some of this anxious energy I've got going on. 

     The point of this blog is that recovery sucks, it's hard, it hurts, and you have to Work for it. But let me tell you kids, it's worth it! Don't ever forget how much worth recovery has. It's worth your life. And only by surrendering to recovery can you get your life back! Stick to it, stay strong and give Ed another blow! :D Love you guys! :D

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